“Time to rethink what you think you know about structured products”. Live (31 Jan 2024) video webinar

Our ‘Time to rethink what you think you know about structured products’  video webinar, on 22 Feb, will provide an informative and thought-provoking presentation, focusing on:

> The portfolio construction ‘need’  to consider structured products: 

Is there a need for professional advisers and investors to consider including structured products in portfolios?

This video webinar will start by thinking about the economic backdrop, investment outlook and portfolio construction and diversification considerations for a more challenging and potentially long-term low returns environment.

What might a low returns environment mean? What might professional advisers expect in terms of ‘alpha’  by active fund management or ‘beta’  by passive fund management?

What are the merits of including structured products, which can offer ‘alpha by contract’, in diversified and balanced portfolios?

> The ‘evidence’  that structured products work:

Long term, granular and comprehensive facts regarding UK retail structured products performance evidence the merits of structured products in diversified portfolios.

> The significant and important general ‘USPs’  of structured products and the specific ‘USPs’  of Tempo and what we are doing differently:

The USPs of structured products are significant and important, including: their ability to generate positive returns without requiring the stock market to rise, or even if it falls; defined and significant levels of protection from stock market risk at maturity; and legally binding contracts.

Whether you are a professional adviser already using structured products, or a professional adviser yet to be persuaded of the merits and USPs of structured products and the reasons to consider using structured products, we hope that you and your colleagues will engage with this video webinar.